Tag Archive | La Dame à la Licorne

Author Interview – Anne Marie

Happy Monday, Bibliophiles!  Before I get into today’s author interview, let me give you a little recap on what to expect in the immediate future.  I’m currently working on three reads/review:  The Sanctuary (for the New Podler Review), Simon Hay’s The Disciple, and ATH Webber’s Erasure (this will be a double review with Mr. Bookworm).  I’ve also started to write for Examiner.com in an effort to boost the Bookworm audience (I don’t expect to make a whole lot of money in the process).  So I will be cross-posting articles.

But the biggest news is that we will be making the move over to our own site:   http://www.bookwormsfancy.com.  I am in the process of transferring over everything here to the new site.  It is taking longer than anticipated but that is because I tend to be a perfectionists on stupid little things.  When the move is final, we will be having a couple of giveaways of books and gift cards to celebrate!  So stay tuned for that!

Now onto the interview!

The Lady and the Unicorn

Anne Marie, author of the short story La Dame à la Licorne

Anne Marie, author of the short story La Dame à la Licorne

Anne Marie is a writer of short stories who grew up in Denver, Colorado and happens to love the same Jell-O that I do.  She contributes to a blog of short stories called The Cimmerian Tales as well as writing on her own blog.  You can also follow her on twitter @annemariewrites.

Bookworm:  Anne Marie give the readers the elevator pitch for your story.

Anne Marie:  “Danger hides in the darkest of places

Always obey your father. That’s what Katherine’s done her entire life. She studies dead languages and practices knife-throwing. Now Pappa’s listening to a virtual stranger, and she’s convinced the stranger cares more about killing monsters than her own safety. Pappa won’t even tell her what they’re going after. He says it’s because if she knows too much, then she’s tainted by that knowledge and it will spoil the hunt.

Can she trust Pappa’s judgment or leave her future in the hands of the stranger? With only her wits to protect her, she joins them in the most terrifying night of the year.”

Bookworm:  What inspired La Dame à La Licorne?

Anne Marie:  I was fortunate enough to see the set of amazing tapestries — La Dame à la licorne — in the Musée national du Moyan Âge. If you haven’t gone, put it on your bucket list! They are amazing. So, it was those tapestries plus an inherent desire to bend a myth. I’ll have to tackle the other side of those tapestries, that of the lady and the lion, someday.

Bookworm:  So are you the Lady or the Unicorn?

Anne Marie:  Neither. I’m more the doctor than any other character in this particular short story. Kathrine’s much more trusting than I’ll ever be, and her Pappa does what he does out of a sense of duty, not because he enjoys it. Dr. Aiguille genuinely enjoys the science and recording his findings. I adore research!

Bookworm:  What inspires you to write?

Anne Marie:  Anything that makes me feel in my cold, dead heart meats. >:D But, I believe it’s really important to fill the creative well. Travel. Try new foods. Drive down a road to find the end. Kiss someone in the rain, but not like Spider-Man or you’ll get water up your nose.

Bookworm:  What are some of your other works?

Anne Marie:  I have a short story, “A Heart Full of Love,” in the anthology Spirit Legends: of Ghosts and Gods.

Bookworm:  Favorite book by an indie/small press author?

Anne Marie:  Persephone by Kaitlin Bevis

Bookworm:  What are you currently reading?

Anne Marie:  The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

Bookworm:  What advice do you have for new authors?

Anne Marie:  Read everything you can get your hands on. In your genre. Out of your genre. Then turn yourself about and go out and live!

Just for Fun

Favorite Literary Character:  Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights

Which character/book/scene do you wish you had written:  Chapter Ten in “The Replacement” by Brenna Yovanoff. It’s powerful and, for me, it’s the core of the entire book.

James Bond, Ethan Hunt, or Jason Bourne:  Julie D’Aubigny

Dark Secret:  I really really really really want a pet velociraptor.

Favorite Jell-O flavor:  The ones made with vodka

Midnight craving:  Dark chocolate and ginger

If you were stranded on a desert island and could have one book with you, which one would it be:  The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Favorite literary Terry:  Terri Clark

Thanks so much to Anne Marie for granting us this interview!  All of you should definitely check out her blog.  You can also follow her on twitter @annemariewrites.

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